Monday 20 February 2017

For the Working Woman

Today more than ever before, with women making up a large percentage of the total workforce – many demands are made on their time and most women complain, that they simply do not have enough time – time for their families, chores and themselves!
A woman’s six strengths – your time saving helpers
  1. Women are people orientated. – Business is built on relationships with people.
  2. Women take time to listen and are then able to solve problems more easily.
  3. Women are able to talk out about problems.  They are generally more open and comfortable about sharing feelings.
  4. Women can deal with more than one situation/person or even multiple demands simultaneously.
  5. Women are flexible – They easily adjust to changes and interruptions.
  6. Women are natural planners.  Women are creative and resourceful when it comes to getting things done.
Overcome the slow-start syndrome at work
  • Allow time for personal grooming before you leave home.
  • Catch your breath if you must upon arrival, but for no more than ten minutes.  Have a cup of tea/coffee.
  • Control interruptions by standing up from your desk and moving to your files.
  • Look past the small insistent demands that tempt you and force yourself to move on to the larger, more important tasks.
  • Accept the fact that many assignments don’t have to be perfect.
  • Ask for help when you don’t know how to do something.  Find someone you can trust who will willingly give you answers that enable you to proceed or delegate.
The Mind Sweep
First thing in the morning take ten minutes of quality time and do a mind sweep – write down all the things that need to be done – home, work, personal, birthdays etc – all the things that clutter your mind.
You can then prioritise them in order of importance and compile your daily ‘To Do List’ and ‘Daily Planning Sheet’
Try the ‘Bucket’ system
Women normally have creative minds and don’t file things.  The bucket system, using a box or a bin, is a realistic and reliable way of coping when you are working on more than one task at a time – dump all the irrelevant items and then place all the relevant paperwork in a receptacle and file it later.
Time Boosters
  • Tie all your ‘roles’ (mother, taxi driver, cook, cleaner, professional woman) into a carry bag.  Carry a ‘portable office’ – (but leave the kitchen sink behind!)
  • Use a filo-fax type diary for all your important personal and business dates and information – including your ‘to do’ list for home.
  • Always carry pens, tipex, a note pad, paper clips, scissors, envelopes, stamps and ‘post it’ notes as well as an assortment of birthday and other cards.
  You cannot beat the clock – you can only accomplish what you are able to do- and you need to balance your life – or you will come off the rails… 
More about balancing your life next month – but for now- why not do the best you can and embrace life – use your strengths as a woman to gain more time for the ones you love and most of all for you – and be the best you can be till next time.

-Credit to Anne Dreyer,Irresistible Series

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