Sunday 10 April 2016

Living a Purpose Driven Life

Feature: Lira

Our first feature of women rich in Christ, we have great pleasure in honoring Ms Lira, who has also just launched her new album “Born Free.”

This feature  focuses on women wealthy in Christ (WWC).Women that are doing inspirational work, being driven by their purpose in Life. With this feature, we aim to empower and inspire women to get up and show up.

When your goals are aligned with your destiny, you will know when you are moving astray, you will be in sync with your journey, which in turn changes your journey to a worthwhile joyful one with a clearance hand in hand journey with God.
A life where God is invited, steps guided by him gives one confidence to move forward with their capabilities. You do not waiver or lower your standards to fit in or get a quick ride to your goals.

Lira is one of the women who has best been through this journey of one finding their purpose and moving with God. She had to let go of what she felt was not where she was not in place, not fulfilling her full potential and not at her happiest. She singing, doing what she had passion in, but not all the dots were linked together, she was not fully happy. Though it took her many years, she fought the good fight of faith. With meditation, time and prayer she reached a meaningful place, where she could be happy, whole and fulfill her purpose…
                                         To be continued…

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